We wrapped shooting in late June.

To say this shoot took a lot out of me is an understatement. It was tough. All told, we shot around 270 scenes (each with multiple setups) in over 17 shooting days (spanning 21 calendar days total) in multiple locations – on virtually no budget. By comparison, most character-based dramas or comedies may shoot around 100 scenes.

Our shoot wasn’t like running a marathon. It was sprinting at full speed for three weeks straight.

Frankly, it was a minor miracle that we got what we wanted (and at times a lot more) given how little margin for error there was (both creatively, logistically and financially), but I chalk that up to two things: the pre-production planning we all did as a team, as well as the amazing cast and crew who pulled through for each other. It was not always pleasant and at times got tense with all the strong personalities on set, but each and every person involved was committed to making this the best film it could possibly be.

There’s still a ton of work ahead of us, as a huge part of this film will be made in the editing room. But after going through a period of self-doubt and frankly burnout for a while after the shoot, spending the last few weeks reviewing the footage (over 15 hours of it in total) has gotten me excited again. I do think we managed to capture something special, which I can’t wait to show.