With so much turmoil, violence, and hatred bombarding us on our news feeds, it’s not surprising there’s a sense of gloom about where we’re all headed.

But each and every one of us has a choice.

The easier, default choice is to be cynical, and to give into that feeding frenzy of hatred and resentment. And while there may be a sense of glee that comes with that, it’s temporary, and eventually turns on itself. We become the enemy we’ve despised.

Or, we can choose to be our best selves. A harder choice, but one that draws upon a resource that is inexhaustible and infinite: our compassion and love.

The narrative we tell ourselves, either as fiction or of our own lives and communities, can lead you and me down a path of connection, or isolation.

There’s a lot of really bad news out there, and it’s futile to expect that to change. So it’s up to each and every one of us to *make* the good news in our own lives. To bear witness to other’s good deeds, however small. For some, it’s telling stories with compassion for the struggles that the heroes and villains undergo. For others, it’s as simple as showing gratitude towards someone who offers you his seat.

If you pay close attention, there’s still a lot of good out there. In fact, I’d argue it’s mostly good (but the bad makes for a more salacious story).